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Our Certificates
Production hall from Linde Material Handling

Management systems are a generally accepted standard in many companies and form the basis for stability and continuous improvement of processes. We at Linde Material Handling work according to these standards at all our sites. This ensures that we act in accordance with the same environmental, safety and energy management standards internationally and offer the same level of quality to all our customers.

Quality Management - ISO 9001

The ISO 9001 standard represents the minimum requirements of a Quality Management System. The purpose of this standard is to increase customer satisfaction through the deliverance of quality products and services.

Environmental Management - ISO 14001

ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an Environmental Management System (EMS). The main aim is to assist companies in continually improving their environmental performance, while complying with any applicable legislation.

Occupational Health and Safety - ISO 45001

An occupational health and safety management system is intended to serve companies in a process-oriented manner to prevent accidents at work, work-related injuries and illnesses in their operations and to protect the health of employees in the workplace in general. OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) contains a number of requirements in this regard. It will be replaced by the new ISO 45001 during a three-year transition period. ISO 45001 brings together occupational health and safety and company health management.

Energy Management - ISO 50001

ISO 50001 is a specification created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for an energy management system. The standard aims to help organizations continually reduce their energy use, and therefore their energy costs and their greenhouse gas emissions.

Quality requirements for fusion welding - ISO 3834

ISO 3834 defines comprehensive quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials both in workshops and at field installation sites.


ISO 27001 on tietoturvan hallintajärjestelmien kansainvälinen standardi (ISMS). Siinä määritetään tietoturvan hallintajärjestelmän käyttöönoton, toteutuksen, ylläpidon ja jatkuvan parantamisen vaatimukset organisaatiotasolla. Linden ohjelmistoportaalin kehitys, jakelu, käyttö ja ominaisuudet sekä Linde connect:desk -kalustonhallintaratkaisu ja niihin suoraan liittyvät IT-alustat ja -palvelut on sertifioitu mainituissa Linde Material Handlingin toimipisteissä.